
Blek le download
Blek le download

Voice-over-BLE support on the CC2650 remote control kit.

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  • Advanced topology including concurrent master/slave multi-role operation and support for up to 8 simultaneous connections.
  • Device Firmware Upgrades using TI’s Over-the-air Download (OAD) service and tools.
  • Ability to operate without a 32-kHz crystal in peripheral and beacon configurations.
  • Sample applications for all BLE device roles: Central, Peripheral, Broadcaster/Beacon and Observer.
  • blek le download

    Full support for all Bluetooth core specification 4.2 features: LE Secure Connections, LE Data Length Extension and LE Privacy 1.2.Bluetooth 5 support for 2 Mbps High Speed Mode, Long range Mode (LE coded PHY), Advertising Extensions (AE), Privacy 1.2.1 and Channel Selection Algorithm #2.

    blek le download

    This royalty-free BLE-Stack for TI’s SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® Low Energy family of ARM® Cortex®-M3 based wireless microcontrollers (MCUs) includes full-featured Bluetooth 4.2 and Bluetooth 5 certified stacks with all necessary software, sample applications and documentation to quickly get started with the development of single-mode Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) applications.

    Blek le download