
Linkedin recruiter search
Linkedin recruiter search

Using required or optional keywords has a major impact on your search results. Required versus non required keywords (AND and OR) See here how HeroHunt.ai takes synonyms into account automatically. When you know the different ways of writing those keywords you can include them in OR statements in your search or do different searches with the different ways of writing the keyword. It is good practice to experiment with different ways of writing keywords and research candidate profiles by looking for your desired keywords in which variations of writing you can find on several candidate profiles. This is true with our previous example of ‘back-end’ vs ‘backend’ but also applies to all other keywords you’re using. If a candidate profile will appear in your search results depends on if the candidate has mentioned the keyword in the same way as you have included the keyword in your search.

linkedin recruiter search

There are many different ways of writing keywords depending on which language you use and which grammar guidelines you follow (or simply how you’re used to writing a word). This works the same for keywords that are not related to job title, like AWS OR Amazon Web Services OR Web Services.

linkedin recruiter search

See here how HeroHunt.ai does take synonyms into account. Here you can find a full glossary of job title synonyms. "UI Designer" OR "User Interaction Designer" OR "UX/UI Designer" OR "UI/UX Designer" “Sales Development Representative” OR “Sales Development Rep” OR SDR OR “Business Development Representative” OR “Business Development Rep” OR BDR OR “Business Development Executive” OR “Business Development Exec” OR “Sales Development Executive” OR “Sales Development Exec” OR “Inside Sales” UI Designer job title search string Here are a couple of examples of search strings that you can include in the search bar in LinkedIn (Recruiter): Engineer job title search stringĮngineer OR Developer OR Programmer OR Engineering Sales Development Representative (SDR) job title search string You can include synonyms by separating keywords with the ‘OR’ statement in the LinkedIn search bar.

Linkedin recruiter search